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On Friday, I worked with Danielle until 7pm, and when we got back, I helped her move her stuff to another apartment for safe keeping until she comes back in January (she's spending another semester in LA). After that, I went back to my apartment, cleaned my room, and cooked the rest of the food I had left in the house. I must say, I pretty good judgement on the amount of food I needed for these last two weeks. After that, I washed the dirty dishes and packed up all the stuff we had to take over the Pendleton center. A friend of mine, Tori, is coming next semester and is buying everything from Shelly and I. There was so much stuff! Danielle was nice enough to help run it all out to the car and then upstairs to the school. I turned in our final program evaluation forms and my Pendleton key. When I got back, I vacuumed living room and packed before heading over the South Clubhouse to turn in my apartment keys and check in for my flight the following morning. Last thing I did before bed was clean the kitchen. It was a LONG day, and I was really stressed out, which made it hard to sleep that night.

I had to get up at 5am to make sure I was ready for my 5:30am taxi. My flight left Burbank at 7:10am, so I wanted to make sure I was there early, and it's a good thing I was! One of my suitcases was 15 lbs overweight! There wasn't a lot of leeway with the other suitcase given that it was only 3 lbs underweight. I was shocked. I still have no idea where that weight came from, but in an amazing turn of events, I was able to take out and shuttle enough things around between my carry on and my other suitcase that I didn't have to pay a fee! I'm quite proud of myself for that. This is the first time I've ever flown with a "personal item" (backpack) and a carry on, so I was a little nervous, especially because I had to be really careful with my carry on the whole time because everything in it was breakable. My flight from Burbank to Dallas went smoothly--no delays or anything. Unfortunately, once I got to Dallas, I found out my flight back to Boston, which was supposed to leave at 1:10pm, was cancelled! They had to move me to a flight at 2:05pm to Chicago where I would then get a 5:40pm flight to Boston. This craziness made me 4 hours late coming home! So needless to say, it's been a really freaking long day! Best part is, my suitcases ended up on the direct flight from Dallas to Boston that was leaving at 5pm from Dallas and not getting in to Boston until 11pm, so they have to delivery me my suitcases tomorrow morning. Air travel is just great. Before going home, we stopped at my grandmother's house for some spaghetti. She was thrilled to see me, which is nice of her. Despite her forgetfulness, my grandmother is really sweet.

Since I got home, I've been unpacking and acclimating myself to our new family home. It's lovely, much less dismal than when I left it. But it also means that I've been unpacking my stuff from LA and organizing my new bedroom at the same time. It's been kind of stressful so far, but I can't wait to be home for the holidays and have a few days to relax!

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