Cortacal, Dimples, Flea Market

Yesterday was Cortacal! Back at IC, the big football game is played between Ithaca and our rivals, Cortland, and it's called Cortaca. So Because we're in LA, they add the extra L on the end and make it Cortacal. Pretty nice play on words there I'd say. Basically, we do the same things in LA as what the kids back in Ithaca are doing: get up really early to watch the game and drink. Except we have to do it even earlier here given the time difference. The game started at 9am, so people were drinking starting somewhere are 8am. Cortacal is usually held at a bar here called The Casting Office, but it closed, so we had it at Dillon's instead. It was really fun. They had a ton of TVs set up to stream the game and a highlights reel of old ICTV shows. We got a "Happy Cortacal" message from my adviser and the best man on the planet, Pete Johanns. Someone even made a video with a Cortacal theme song for this year! Sona had t-shirts made for the game that looked like the In-and-Out sign but said Cortacal instead. They are grey and really soft. I got a pear cider at the bar. It was awesome to have cider back in my life! I even convinced my boss at B&B, an IC alum to come. I'd been pressuring him into it all week, and he actually did! It was really awesome to see a ton of people I knew who now live out here. It was a really good community atmosphere. After the game, we were all exhausted from getting up so early, so we all went home and crashed for a few hours. It's really confusing to do this to your body because it felt like all of this occurred in the course of two days when it was really only one.

That night, Danielle, Siobhan, Sarah, Maddie, and I all went out to the local dive bar, Dimples. It was the first karaoke bar in the United States, so of course we wanted to check it out. A ton of celebrities have sung there over the years, but I'm not sure how popular it is now. Apparently, the IC kids used to go there all the time, but no so much this semester. I got a pina coolada finally! Siobhan, Danielle, and I decided to sing "Livin' on a Prayer," and the bar loved it. People were dancing and singing with us, so it was kind of funny. I was really nervous to do it beforehand, but it wasn't so bad. My first time ever singing karaoke. Newbies get a free picture and DVD, which is nice of them to do. We did have one celebrity citing that night though: Dennis Haskins, the principal from Saved by the Bell. He was a pretty awesome singer actually. It was a pretty cool night even though the bar was a bit sketchy in general.

Today, I had an RA event to go to the Rose Bowl Flea Market in Pasadena held on the second Sunday of every month. Although it's weird to charge a fee for entrance, we had a really great time. It's HUGE! They have a whole section of antiques and stuff on top of all the normal craft items. We spent a few hours looking around, got to go inside the Rose Bowl, and then went home. I'm glad we went. Seeing more things that are unique to LA. This was a pretty fun weekend. Now back to the grind for another week to get things done before Thanksgiving break!

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