Take Me Out to the Ball Game

On Friday night, after a boring day of just reading to get some homework done, the group went to a Dodger's game. We took the Metro and then a free with Dodgers ticket, Dodgers express bus to the stadium, definitely the easiest way of getting there. It was cool to be able to go to a professional baseball game for no where near the Red Sox prices, but it was so much less exciting than a Red Sox game. I couldn't believe that not all the seats were filled! That would basically never happen at Fenway. Still, it was really fun to be able to get out of the house and experience some LA culture. Every Friday home game, the Dodgers do fireworks. We all got to go out onto the field to watch! That was pretty cool. First time being able to actually touch the grass in a professional baseball field! It was a Beatles-themed night because apparently they were having some sort of anniversary the Dodgers were paying tribute to. It was a short but really nice fireworks display, and it was definitely something unique to do in LA.

On Sunday, it was first RA event. I was planning to do a Hollywood walk/bus tour to check out some of the sights in LA, but apparently a lot of people had already done that. Some people wanted to go to the Video Music Awards, but after looking into it, we found out the red carpet was inside, so there wouldn't be much to see down there. Instead, I decided to stick to the original plan and check out Hollywood and Hollywood/Highland. It was only Shelly, Melissa, and I, but we had a good time. Hollywood/Highland has a huge grey arch with Egyptian art and two HUGE elephant statues on columns surrounded by an outdoor shopping center and fountain. On the walkways, there are quotes from different people talking about how they got to Hollywood, and at the end of that path of quotes there is a "casting couch," a huge couch statue. It was pretty cool. We walked along the Walk of Fame taking pictures of the stars, and then we went to Grauman's Chinese Theatre. I decided to take a tour of the theatre because the only way you can see inside is if you see a movie or take a tour. It was a quick tour detailing some of the history of the theatre and the hand/foot prints of celebrities outside. The architecture and design of the  building is, obviously, Asian inspired, but there are details in the design that people wouldn't notice unless they were pointed out (like names of significant people written in Chinese on the walls). The first premiere at the theatre was the May, 18 1927 premiere of King of Kings. Movies from Star Wars to Singing in the Rain have premiered there. Actually, Singing in the Rain filmed the last sequence, where the truth is exposed about Lina's voice really being Kathy's, was filmed there. The tour guide told us about the process to keep the theatre up. For example, it took two years to make an exact replica of the 1927 red curtain the theatre has. Grauman's Chinese Theatre is a lot about the history of filmmaking, but it is also about the new and upcoming technology in the film industry. It prides itself on remaining current and up-to-date in that respect, and it shows films on the best projector available. Outside, the tour guide pointed out a few prominent cement slabs. Only 1 or 2 people a year typically get a place outside the theatre, so it is much more competitive than the Walk of Fame. The owners of the theatre decides who they want to give a place to. Apparently, Jennifer Anniston did one, and it is drying currently! Marilyn Monroe wanted to put a diamond on the dot of her i, but was deterred because people said it would get stolen. Instead, she used her earring as the dot, but that was also stolen. The back of the her earring is still there, but the theatre replaced the earring with something plastic. From the Harry Potter cast to R2D2's footprint to Frank Sinatra and Johnny Depp, a huge range of celebrities are celebrated in the cement outside the theatre. Because Grauman's is a movie theatre, the cement only contains autographs and prints for movie stars.

After the theatre, we walked further along the Walk of Fame until we got to the Gateway to Hollywood sculpture. It depicts four silver ladies holding up an archway with Hollywood written on it. It is meant as a tribute to the multi-ethnic women of Hollywood. It's a pretty cool statue, and the Elvis Presley and Beatles stars, as well as the Walk of Fame starting star, are located right there. We walked back on the other side of the street to check out the stars on that side before heading home. Even though there were only three of us, I think we had a really good time, so I count it a successful RA event!

Unfortunately, I found out when I got home that the start date of my internship had to be pushed back, so I wasn't able to start on Monday as planned. I spent Sunday night reading for homework and making myself a star with photoshop! I made one that says my name and has the TV logo on it. I think I did a pretty convincing job!

Today, I got a little reading done and went for a short run down to the Trader Joe's in the Toluca Lake area of Burbank. It only amounts to a couple of miles for a run, but whatever. I'll make it longer later. I spent some time also trying to get my next RA event, a trip to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art to see the Tim Burton exhibit, organized. I had to call the other students and find out how many wanted to come, so I can make the reservation tomorrow. Well, I think that's all my news.

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Celebrity Sighting!

Ironic that right after I checked in with my parents, and my dad asked me if I'd seen anyone famous yet, I did! Going up the elevator with me in the building where Ithaca holds its classes was Lisa Kudrow from Friends. I thought it might be her, but she was wearing sun glasses and trying to be inconspicuous, so I wasn't quite sure. One of the professors at ICLA was also in the elevator and told us later that it was her because she has an office in our building. Pretty cool for a first sighting! She did look different than I remembered from Friends, but that was a while ago, so who could blame her.

Right before seeing her, I had had a two minute interview with Mediaplacement Entertainment, Inc., an event planning company, so that I can hopefully work with them on Emmys weekend. At the elevator, I was telling Steve about how they basically didn't care who I was just as long as I wasn't crazy over the celebrities. So that's a little embarrassing that a celebrity was right in front of me while I was saying that stuff, but whatever!

I had my Senior Seminar class, which will be about youth and the media. It sounds like a really interesting topic, and it bring in some of the stuff I have already learned in some of my history classes in the past. We are basically watching clips/movies and discussing readings everyday, and there will also be a research paper, but I definitely find it really interesting. My adviser, Stephen Tropiano, teaches it as well.

Between government and media and senior seminar, I have/will have a lot of reading to do this semester, but I'm used to that, so it'll be fine.

Wednesday, I was feeling better, but I spent a lot of time just hanging out by the pool and relaxing. I talked to a boy who goes to Syracuse. Their LA program students also live in Oakwoods! It's so crazy how many college programs live in Oakwoods. Emerson and UTLA are out here too. Shelly and I watched Tangled last night after I watched Big Brother because we got bored sitting at home.

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Good News and Bad News

Bad News: So obviously my body picks a very inopportune time (my first day of classes) to get sick. I was up all night, and I'm wicked achy and weak right now. I don't know. I'm doing my best to get better in the next 5 hours, so I can go to class and my RA meeting. Hopefully it will be ok.

Good News: I actually get paid for my internship! $8 per hour, and I had no idea! I'm thrilled. Not only does it sound like an awesome internship, but I get school credit and get paid. I start on Monday, which I'm really excited for. Another piece of good news is that I officially have clearance to go visit my cousin, Kate, in Arizona for the entire week of Thanksgiving! This semester is definitely looking good!

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The Bold and the Beautiful

It's official: I will be interning with the Bold and the Beautiful this semester!!! I'm so excited. From the interview, it seems like a fast-paced work environment where I would be able to observe a lot of different aspects of production. It's going to be awesome. Jen Samples worked there last semester, so I called her up right away to tell her I got it!

Tuesday nights I have an RA meeting as well as a class (Senior Seminar), and on Thursday afternoons I have class (government and media) as well.

It's going to be a fun-filled semester with more emphasis on interning than on class, which is something new for me, and I'm definitely really happy for the change. It's almost like what my schedule will be when I graduate and have a paying job come May!

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Universal Studios Hollywood

For our second group ICLA outing, we took a trip to Universal Studios Hollywood. We took our group photo at the Hollywood sign backdrop with the whole group and the professors. We all did a studio back lot tour where we got to see the 35 sound stages where they still film, some special effects, the Jaws shark, a 3D King Kong movie, the metropolitan and western sets, and Wisteria Lane from Desperate Housewives. It was a pretty fun tour, and it definitely showed how different Universal is from any other theme park. It's not just for people to go on rides, it's also for real movie and television shoots even with all that going on around it. Pretty incredible.

We all kind of split off into groups after that. I got to go on the Simpsons Rides, Jurassic Park, and the Mummy. All were pretty fun rides, but the Mummy was the biggest roller coaster Universal seemed to have. It was really different from Universal Orlando. It was a lot smaller and the focus was definitely more on movies and television than on rides. There were tons of shows to go see. I went to one that demonstrated how special effects are done, visual effects (computer generated effects added afterwards) versus practical effects (effects actually done in front of the camera). It was really cool. There were a lot less huge roller coasters, and it was a smaller park than the Orlando one that dad and I went to this summer, but it was something different. I'm glad to have gotten to go to both Universal Studios. It was another whirlwind of a day in LA with everyone.
Internships and classes start tomorrow. I'll be finalizing my internship, and my first class is Tuesday night.

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Yogurtland is my new favorite place!

Yesterday, I had an interview with the Doctors. I felt very prepared for it, and it must have gone well because they offered me the position later that day. I asked if I could have until Monday to decide, because I am still waiting on responses from some of the other internships I applied to. My interviewers were nice anyway, and the internship sounded good. I'm glad I was offered one. It was definitely a weight off my shoulders.

After my interview, Shelly and I hung out a bit before going out with Kelsy, Jill, Abby, and Amy to a bookstore that sells books for $1. Unfortunately, we got very lost along the way, so we didn't have much time to hang out with them. Instead of checking out the book store, Shelly and I decided that getting frozen yogurt at yogurtland would be a better use of our time because it was really hot. It is my new favorite place to go. Yogurt is 33 cents per ounce! There are like 13 flavors, all are really good, which you can combine any or all of if you wanted. Then there are a ton of toppings to add, again you can add whatever you want. The price is totally based on weight, so it's an incredible value! I love it, and it's going to have to be a weekly trip. Plus, it's in downtown Burbank, which is a beautiful little area with lots of restaurants and shops and a movie theatre, so it basically has everything you need. It's like the Commons in Ithaca, but you can drive through them. I really enjoy that area. The other girls met up with us in Yogurtland. After that, I went with Shelly to open a bank account because I also had to get some money. She went with her dad to meet up with some family friends, and I came back home and waited to hear from Kelsy about going to our friend Rachel's. Rachel goes to IC with us, but she was visiting her grandparents in Calabasas and invited a bunch of her friends out here to a pool party there. We were swimming and eating at her grandparents' really nice house until like midnight. Then, Rachel decided to stay over in my apartment for the night so she could come to the beach with us this morning. Our apartment is now only Shelly and I because Maddie decided to move in with some of her new friends, so there was plenty of space for Rachel. We basically froze her to death because we didn't have any blankets and the AC was on way too high all night, but she was fine after a thawing out period in the morning.

Today, we got up really early for the RAs for group event, a trip to Santa Monica Beach and Pier. I was stunned by the turn out. We had about 20 students, some of whom came later in the day. It was really great to be out with everyone, and the beach was beautiful. It was my first time in the Pacific Ocean, and I felt like the waves here are much larger, even though there were tiny compared to what surfers normally see, but still. The only bad thing was that I was on the phone with someone, trying to get the group to meet up, and I felt something itchy on my chest, so I itched and ended up with a bee in my hand! I got a nice bee sting, and Shelly thought I was having a heart attack because I was grabbing my chest! It was funny, but really painful, stupid bee. We walked along the beach, checked out the shops and food on the pier, and swam in the cold water. It was really nice. Shelly struggled a bit, but I did my best to help her (Sand is kind of hard when you walk with a walker, who knew!?). We had a great time except that I got sunburned. Shelly is WAY worse that I am, but even though I applied sunscreen twice I still got one. I hate the sun sometimes. I'm way too pale, and I'm going to get skin cancer at this rate. I guess I really just can't be in the sun at all for any long length of time because even with sunscreen I burn. After the beach, we took some people back with us and went to Yogurtland again. It was still great the second time. We looked around at the shops in downtown Burbank for a while afterwards. Shelly got a ticket on her car for parking too far away from the curb in front of her! How crazy are traffic laws in CA!? We dropped Melissa and Elijah back at the apartments. With the promise of free food, Shelly and I drove Rachel back to her apartment where we ate and hung out in the hot tub trying to sooth our burns for a few hours. I just finally got cleaned off from the beach and put some Aloe on my burns, and it's another early morning tomorrow for Universal Studios!

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LA 101 Orientation

So for the first day of the general orientation with all the Fall 2011 LAers, the program staff did a general overview of the program, talking about classes, the Pendleton Center, internships, and the Oakwood Apartment complex. It was good general information. We had two info sessions with free food after each. The first was held at Oakwoods and was more about residential info. Then Oakwoods provided a sandwich lunch, which was pretty good. Afterwards, we went over to the Pendleton Center to meet with our advisers and hear about classes and internships and take a tour. I then helped Jon and the other RAs organize a BBQ back at Oakwoods. That was fun. Chris was the main griller because Joanna and I are a little hopeless with a grill. I did learn to cook tofu dogs though! After the cookout, we all carpooled to hike up to the Hollywood sign! It was a pretty steep hike in parts, but we got up and hiked around the back of it. It was a stunning view of LA and the hills, and a really good night. It was late by the time we got back, and it was an early start for the day, so I crashed when I got home.

The second day of orientation started much later. It primarily consisted of "getting to know each other" games, led by the RAs. My group of residents is really nice and was very cooperative with activities we all know can be really annoying. It was nice to finally meet everyone though. I'll get the names down sooner or later. Everyone did a scavenger hunt while the RAs and Jon oversaw to make sure there was no cheating. Afterwards, we all packed snack bags because we were going to a taping of Mike and Molly at the Warner Bros lot. The taping lasted like 5 hours! It was crazy. It was cool to see everything behind the scenes and the show seemed pretty funny, but the comedian/MC who was supposed to entertain the audience between takes was really creepy and so annoying. He kept telling us to laugh hard, laugh like we had never heard it before. It was funny, but not after a lot of takes and not when someone keeps telling you "oh guys, this is a great show, very funny." Then it's just annoying. So many IC kids volunteered to do stuff for him though, which was cool. We definitely have an enthusiastic group here this semester. I was glad I got to see a taping because I'd never seen any kind of professional shoot before. We all had to retrieve our cell phones at the Pendleton center because we werent allowed to have them at the taping, and after that I just went home to finish writing out my schedule and go to bed.

This morning, I got up to go meet Jon and some of the other kids for Jon's intro to the Metro system of LA. It was interesting, and did make me a little more confident about taking the bus/subway. We took a bus and a train to Union Station where we took a stop at the oldest street in LA and the original small village that LA was. Today, it is supposed to resemble a traditional Mexican market place. It was pretty cool. I had to leave early with a few people to get back to Oakwoods and get to an interview. We made it back safely, and it wasn't too bad. I got all jazzed up in a nice outfit, and Shelly and her parents were nice enough to take me to CBS Television Studios for my interview with The Bold and the Beautiful. The internship there sounds like a great opportunity, so hopefully I'll hear back soon. After that, Shelly and her parents and I went to eat at the Pig n'Whistle, a really old restaurant in LA. It was pretty good food, and there was a nice waiter there. He was an older man who recommended the good food and kept telling us our faces would like this or that. It was a really weird but hysterical phrase to use. Then we walked along the Hollywood walk of fame past the Kodak and Chinese Theatres. It was nice to get to see some of the sights of Hollywood. I took pictures of TONS of the stars. We were both tired when we got back to the apartment, so we just chilled and watched some shows and made dinner. We might go to the Oakwoods pool in a little bit to check that out for the first time.

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RA Orientation and Setting Up the Apartment

Yesterday, I got up at 8am! Apparently, I'm a little jet lagged because I went to bed at 10, and couldn't sleep past 8, it was so strange. Shelly arrived at Oakwoods and took Chris and I to target to buy everything we need for our apartment since they aren't furnished. Shelly and I got tons of stuff, from utensils to pots and pans to dish washing detergent. It was crazy, and we filled two whole carts. I never thought about all the stuff you need just to be able to survive in an apartment! It all cost $231!!! We spent about two hours there, cutting it really close to the time Chris and I were supposed to meet at the Pendleton Center with Jon for our first day of RA orientation.  Jon was really nice and didn't mind us being 15 minutes late. He is one of the ICLA staff, and he will help us plan our events for the residents. First, we went over some of what will be happening in the next few weeks and went over ice breakers. Then, we all went out to lunch at the Chipotle down the street. After lunch, Jon drove us around the Burbank area to show us where things are, which was really helpful. I found out there have Trader Joes and Boston Market, all the convenience of home! He drove us back to Oakwoods and an hour later came back to pick us up for dinner and a movie. He briefly pointed things out in Hollywood, and we went to a really good burger place called Umami Burger. It was really good. We went to Arc Light Cinema to see 30 Seconds or Less. The movie was hilarious, and the theatre was really swank. The seats were so comfortable, and they are actually assigned to you! After the movie, we made a quick stop at a huge warehouse used CD and DVD store that sometimes has live bands play too. It was incredible. I spotted some Beatles lamps there, so I know Kaitlin will be all over those when she gets here. Right before we went home, Jon was nice enough to take me to Vons to get a new toothbrush since I forgot mine. I hadn't brushed my teeth in like a day, and it was kind of gross, so that was a much needed stop. I crashed as soon as I got home, but it was a pretty fun day.

I also found out that Oakwoods is basically a hotel. It has a convenience store (way too expensive), two tennis courts, hot tubs, pools, dry cleaning, maid service, security, basketball courts, and volleyball.  It's nuts out here, so nice.

Today, I had orientation in the morning. We spend most of the afternoon getting down to the real planning stuff. We have events from BBQs and hiking to beach bonfires and museums planned for the whole semester. Every weekend throughout the semester there are basically two events, which will be really good for everyone to be able to see and do everything they want to do in LA. The RAs are all really nice. Chris I knew before, and he's really nice an sarcastic. Joanna I didn't know, but she's a junior and really nice too. We all stuffed info packets for tomorrow's general orientation, and we put together the RA bulletin board. Jon ordered us sandwiches from a place close by, so another free meal was well appreciated. After orientation, Joanna drove Chris and I to the super market, Vons, and I bought $175 worth of groceries. I really hope I don't have to spend that much every week. It was a little ridiculous. We had to take a taxi home because I had too many things to carry all the way back. I tried to get in touch with internships again. Shelly is currently moving her things into the apartment, and we will hang out tonight. That's all for now!

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Landed in LA

Another travel blog! YAY! I am going to be spending all of 2011 away from the main campus of Ithaca College, which is a really weird feeling. I counted, and I will have been on 14 planes this year as well (maybe 16 if that's how I get to my cousin for Thanksgiving)! Now, I am three hours behind Boston instead of 6 hours ahead.

After moving two days ago and having to settle into a new house while packing to come to LA, I landed safely in Burbank's Bob Hope airport an hour later than expected after a delay at my layover in Dallas. At the baggage claim, I met two other girls from the LA program, and we took a taxi van to the Oakwood apartments together. Ithaca College has some sort of agreement with this apartment complex to allow us to stay here. It's an amazing facility with two pools and two gyms located not too far from the Pendleton Center (the IC building in LA). The apartment itself is like being at a hotel. I have my own room and bathroom with tons of closet space, and we have central air. The down side is that my roommates and I need to go buy kitchen stuff and linens for ourselves because the apartment is only semi furnished. My roommates are Shelly and Maddie. Shelly goes to Curry College, so I met her once this summer prior to coming to LA, and Maddie is usually at IC, but I didn't know her before I got here. She's been running errands with her dad today, and Shelly will be arriving tomorrow. I seriously need to get some shopping done though. The weather today is gorgeous, and it was only when I started to unpack that it hit me that I'm not just on vacation.

Tomorrow, I start RA orientation for two days, and then comes the general LA program orientation for all of us until Wednesday. Both are going to be fun. The program staff are really nice. We are going to hike to the Hollywood sign, see a movie, and do some other fun stuff to get an introduction to LA. Thursday, I have two internship interviews and then another one on Friday. There are also several over internship positions I have been contacted about, so I feel pretty good about my ability to get an internship as of now, but nothing solidified yet.

The first week of classes and internships begins August 22. I will be interning 3 to 4 days per week, and I am taking 2 of my required classes. On Tuesday nights from 7 to 10, I have Government and Media, and on Thursday afternoons from 2:30 to 5:30, I have my Senior Seminar. It's so crazy to already be a senior in college. The time went by so quickly!

Anyway, I hope you all like the new blog, and I'll try to be just as informative as I was on my London one. That's the update for now.

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