RA Orientation and Setting Up the Apartment

Yesterday, I got up at 8am! Apparently, I'm a little jet lagged because I went to bed at 10, and couldn't sleep past 8, it was so strange. Shelly arrived at Oakwoods and took Chris and I to target to buy everything we need for our apartment since they aren't furnished. Shelly and I got tons of stuff, from utensils to pots and pans to dish washing detergent. It was crazy, and we filled two whole carts. I never thought about all the stuff you need just to be able to survive in an apartment! It all cost $231!!! We spent about two hours there, cutting it really close to the time Chris and I were supposed to meet at the Pendleton Center with Jon for our first day of RA orientation.  Jon was really nice and didn't mind us being 15 minutes late. He is one of the ICLA staff, and he will help us plan our events for the residents. First, we went over some of what will be happening in the next few weeks and went over ice breakers. Then, we all went out to lunch at the Chipotle down the street. After lunch, Jon drove us around the Burbank area to show us where things are, which was really helpful. I found out there have Trader Joes and Boston Market, all the convenience of home! He drove us back to Oakwoods and an hour later came back to pick us up for dinner and a movie. He briefly pointed things out in Hollywood, and we went to a really good burger place called Umami Burger. It was really good. We went to Arc Light Cinema to see 30 Seconds or Less. The movie was hilarious, and the theatre was really swank. The seats were so comfortable, and they are actually assigned to you! After the movie, we made a quick stop at a huge warehouse used CD and DVD store that sometimes has live bands play too. It was incredible. I spotted some Beatles lamps there, so I know Kaitlin will be all over those when she gets here. Right before we went home, Jon was nice enough to take me to Vons to get a new toothbrush since I forgot mine. I hadn't brushed my teeth in like a day, and it was kind of gross, so that was a much needed stop. I crashed as soon as I got home, but it was a pretty fun day.

I also found out that Oakwoods is basically a hotel. It has a convenience store (way too expensive), two tennis courts, hot tubs, pools, dry cleaning, maid service, security, basketball courts, and volleyball.  It's nuts out here, so nice.

Today, I had orientation in the morning. We spend most of the afternoon getting down to the real planning stuff. We have events from BBQs and hiking to beach bonfires and museums planned for the whole semester. Every weekend throughout the semester there are basically two events, which will be really good for everyone to be able to see and do everything they want to do in LA. The RAs are all really nice. Chris I knew before, and he's really nice an sarcastic. Joanna I didn't know, but she's a junior and really nice too. We all stuffed info packets for tomorrow's general orientation, and we put together the RA bulletin board. Jon ordered us sandwiches from a place close by, so another free meal was well appreciated. After orientation, Joanna drove Chris and I to the super market, Vons, and I bought $175 worth of groceries. I really hope I don't have to spend that much every week. It was a little ridiculous. We had to take a taxi home because I had too many things to carry all the way back. I tried to get in touch with internships again. Shelly is currently moving her things into the apartment, and we will hang out tonight. That's all for now!

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