Yogurtland is my new favorite place!

Yesterday, I had an interview with the Doctors. I felt very prepared for it, and it must have gone well because they offered me the position later that day. I asked if I could have until Monday to decide, because I am still waiting on responses from some of the other internships I applied to. My interviewers were nice anyway, and the internship sounded good. I'm glad I was offered one. It was definitely a weight off my shoulders.

After my interview, Shelly and I hung out a bit before going out with Kelsy, Jill, Abby, and Amy to a bookstore that sells books for $1. Unfortunately, we got very lost along the way, so we didn't have much time to hang out with them. Instead of checking out the book store, Shelly and I decided that getting frozen yogurt at yogurtland would be a better use of our time because it was really hot. It is my new favorite place to go. Yogurt is 33 cents per ounce! There are like 13 flavors, all are really good, which you can combine any or all of if you wanted. Then there are a ton of toppings to add, again you can add whatever you want. The price is totally based on weight, so it's an incredible value! I love it, and it's going to have to be a weekly trip. Plus, it's in downtown Burbank, which is a beautiful little area with lots of restaurants and shops and a movie theatre, so it basically has everything you need. It's like the Commons in Ithaca, but you can drive through them. I really enjoy that area. The other girls met up with us in Yogurtland. After that, I went with Shelly to open a bank account because I also had to get some money. She went with her dad to meet up with some family friends, and I came back home and waited to hear from Kelsy about going to our friend Rachel's. Rachel goes to IC with us, but she was visiting her grandparents in Calabasas and invited a bunch of her friends out here to a pool party there. We were swimming and eating at her grandparents' really nice house until like midnight. Then, Rachel decided to stay over in my apartment for the night so she could come to the beach with us this morning. Our apartment is now only Shelly and I because Maddie decided to move in with some of her new friends, so there was plenty of space for Rachel. We basically froze her to death because we didn't have any blankets and the AC was on way too high all night, but she was fine after a thawing out period in the morning.

Today, we got up really early for the RAs for group event, a trip to Santa Monica Beach and Pier. I was stunned by the turn out. We had about 20 students, some of whom came later in the day. It was really great to be out with everyone, and the beach was beautiful. It was my first time in the Pacific Ocean, and I felt like the waves here are much larger, even though there were tiny compared to what surfers normally see, but still. The only bad thing was that I was on the phone with someone, trying to get the group to meet up, and I felt something itchy on my chest, so I itched and ended up with a bee in my hand! I got a nice bee sting, and Shelly thought I was having a heart attack because I was grabbing my chest! It was funny, but really painful, stupid bee. We walked along the beach, checked out the shops and food on the pier, and swam in the cold water. It was really nice. Shelly struggled a bit, but I did my best to help her (Sand is kind of hard when you walk with a walker, who knew!?). We had a great time except that I got sunburned. Shelly is WAY worse that I am, but even though I applied sunscreen twice I still got one. I hate the sun sometimes. I'm way too pale, and I'm going to get skin cancer at this rate. I guess I really just can't be in the sun at all for any long length of time because even with sunscreen I burn. After the beach, we took some people back with us and went to Yogurtland again. It was still great the second time. We looked around at the shops in downtown Burbank for a while afterwards. Shelly got a ticket on her car for parking too far away from the curb in front of her! How crazy are traffic laws in CA!? We dropped Melissa and Elijah back at the apartments. With the promise of free food, Shelly and I drove Rachel back to her apartment where we ate and hung out in the hot tub trying to sooth our burns for a few hours. I just finally got cleaned off from the beach and put some Aloe on my burns, and it's another early morning tomorrow for Universal Studios!

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