The Best Day Ever

 Today, I didn't have government and media, so instead I decided to go see The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson! A few days ago, my tickets got upgraded to priority, which meant we got to go in first. It was awesome! All the Late Late Show people were really nice and helpful. After waiting in line for like an hour and a half, we got moved to another line sitting down. There was a gift store there, in which I bought a replica of Craig's snake mug!!! It's actually really big, and will be awesome for tea! The warm up comedian, Chunky, was hysterical, and not at all as creepy as the one from Mike and Molly. He came outside to talk to us, but it was so hot he basically said screw this let's go inside. He gave Shelly a Late Late Show guest mug, which was nice of him.

From the moment we got there, I was asking the people who were lining us up if I could please sit in "Lesbian Row," which is what Craig calls the first row on stage right. We actually got to sit there! I was soooo excited! It was an awesome view. We were sitting right next to Geoff Peterson! We even had to sign release forms incase we got on TV. Chunky pointed us out to the rest of the audience, and he asked if we had pillow fights in slow motion often. We said, "all the time." It was really funny. He also kind of grinded on Shelly! She was totally shocked! At one point in the show, we were laughing really hard at something, and Craig looked right at us, and Geoff said "Bunch of Lesbians!" They actually put us on the show!!!! I'm going to watch tonight, but I think at least Danielle and I were on national television!!!! It was literally my dream come true. Craig looked at me, and I was on TV! Lisa Kudrow and a reporter for MSNBC were on, which was really cool even though I had apparently already seen Lisa before. The show was really funny, and I got to see Craig do all the inside jokes he normally does on the show. Kind of sad I didn't see Secretariat, but oh well, I did get to see Geoff. I even got the voice of Geoff to autograph my ticket for me afterwards!

Today was really the best day ever. I had such a good time cheering and clapping and laughing at Craig's jokes. It was wonderful!

Also, randomly Big Brother emailed saying that tickets had just opened up for TONIGHT'S taping of the show. They emailed me at 4:30, and I would have had to have been there at 5:30. I wasn't able to go because I got home and looked at the email too late. Oh well. I do love Big Brother, but I had a great time today. At least I'll get to see most of the shows I love while I'm out here.

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